consulenza supporto assistenza
informatica web domotica

Con esperienza trentennale in progettazione, ricerca e sviluppo si offre consulenza, supporto ed assistenza per informatica, domotica e tecnologie web.
Esponi (senza impegno) il tuo problema tecnico; grande o minimo che sia, riceverai una risposta. Disponibilitą a meeting preliminari in tutto il territorio marchigiano.
Interventi anche presso abitazioni in tutta la provincia di Ancona. Applicazioni della cosiddetta Intelligenza Artificiale.
Progettazione prototipi per automazione industriale. Formazione hands-on per tecniche di programmazione software.
Supporto informatico per realizzazioni artistiche (stampe 3D). Revisione siti web.
  • "Searching Successfully in PubMed"
  • "Smart Data Management for Biologists"
  • Hayden Basement Stacks to Close June 4 - August 31
    This summer, the MIT Libraries will be upgrading the compact shelving system in the basement stacks of Hayden Library to ensure the accessibility of our collections for years to come. For the safety of our users, the basement level of Hayden will be closed from June 4 through August 31. All collections remain available by request. How do I request materials? To find and request items, simply visit the Search Our Collections page. Make sure you are logged into Your Account to see requesting options. Requested items can be picked up at any library and are held for 10 days. […]
  • Under the Lens: Women Biologists & Chemists at MIT 1865-2024
  • Learn with the Libraries: Fall workshops
    Learn with the Libraries this fall! Click on a workshop for more information and to register. October 18: Quick and Dirty Data Management October 26: Data Management: File Organization October 27: Organize your research: Getting started with citation management tools November 1: GIS Level 1: Introduction to GIS & Mapping November 3: NIH Data Management and Sharing policy: What and How
  • Climate Grand Challenges posters on view at Hayden Library
    With the first-ever Climate Grand Challenges competition, MIT set out to mobilize the Institute’s entire research community around the most difficult unsolved climate problems facing our planet. Launched in 2020, the initial call for ideas yielded nearly 100 proposals from almost 400 MIT faculty, senior researchers, and external collaborators. After an extensive evaluation, 27 finalist teams were invited to develop comprehensive research and innovation plans and in April 2022, MIT named five of them as multi-year flagship projects that will help define a transformative research agenda aimed at delivering high-impact, science-based solutions to the world as quickly as possible. Visit an […]
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